How do I add a sub-practice?

In the left menu bar, click on 'Practices', under the heading 'Firm'.

Screenshots articles  (4)

There are two ways in which to create a new sub-practice.

Option 1:

Click the down arrow next to the parent practice to add a new sub-practice. Then click 'Add sub practice.'

A pop-up will appear, where you can insert the sub- practice's information

  • Name*

  • Parent practice


Parent practice

Once you have inserted all sub-practice information, click 'Create' at the bottom right of the page.

Option 2:

Click the blue 'Create practice' button at the top right of the practices overview page. A pop-up will appear, where you can insert the sub-practice's information

  • Name*

  • Parent practice


Parent practice

Once you have inserted all sub-practice information, click 'Create' at the bottom right of the pop-up.

Once the practice is created, you can add a description by clicking 'Add description' on the top right of the page.

  • Select the language of the description

  • Title*

  • Description

  • Industries