How do I archive a specialist?

Select the specialist that you would like to archive by clicking on their name.2-2

Click on the three dots in the right upper corner on the page and select 'Archive' from the dropdown.3-1

Confirm that you would like to archive the selected specialist by clicking 'Archive' from the popup.


Quick way to check if the specialist is successfully archived is the red sign that will appear under the specialist photo.


If you want to check the list of archived specialists, go back to the Specialists tab and select 'Archived' from the left side of the screen.6NOTE: Even if archived, the specialist will still appear in the linked Matters.


In case you want to remove the specialist from a matter, you can do that manually.
Select the three dots at the centre of the screen and click on 'Edit' from the dropdown.


A popup will appear. Click on the 'X' next to the name of the specialist you would like to remove from the matter. Select 'Update work highlight' from the right bottom of the popup to save the changes.
